For a couple of years, I've kept this pair of Guinea Fowl in the fly pen to breed. Year after year, nothing. One day, last week the Guinea Rooster managed to get out of the pen. He didn't go far, he adopted a hen and her chicks, stayed close to protect them from the other chicken flock in the ranch, and roosted nearby.
The other day, I let the female guinea out. The rooster wasn't staying close to the pen like he should be. So my train of thought was let the guinea hen out to fokai the chicken hen. That was the plan...let her out to go after the other hen.

Why in the world would the Guinea Rooster want to fight his breeding partner?
I was watching them fight for a couple of minutes. Should things get ugly, then I would go over and break up the fight.
As I was observing, I noticed both birds seemed to move alike. They even shrilled the same. The hen fought back like a rooster. Normally, the hen would turn and run, whenever confronted by an Alpha Rooster.
Then it dawned on me, the hen was actually a rooster, only with a shorter helmet. All these years, trying to breed the two...only realizing that both are Guinea Roosters. I've never heard them do that squeaky call that only the hens make.
No Wonder, there's no eggs!
Definitely going to order Guinea Keets to replenish my Guinea Flock.
Keep Smiling!
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