Sunday, March 10, 2013

Acquiring a Sheep Flock.

Dorper Sheep.  Same breed that I'm acquiring. 
Learned there is a Sheep Rancher on Guahan, after I visited him on his ranch this morning..  Rick has been raising Dorper Sheep which is a meat sheep and acclimated to our island.  I'll be purchasing two of his rams to help with the mowing around the ranch.  My goat herd are browsers and not eating the grass as I hoped they would.  I'm believing that diversifying the livestock will help with the ranch maintenance.  The goat herd will browse the shrubs and jungle while the sheep flock will keep the grass around the ranch area manageable.  Especially, now that gas is so close to $5/gallon. 

As with any new livestock on island, prices are high.  However I see this as a road to discovery.  With the two 3-month lambs on the ranch.  I'll learn how  to be able to have a diversified stock on the ranch.  I already know that sheep can't eat goat feed due to copper minerals.  So I'll have to change up the goat feed to horse feed or game feed.  I don't feed the goats the goat feed as their primary feed.  It's a supplement, not that they need it, to what their eating in the paddocks.  The goat feed is actually a treat to get them to get back into their pens when it gets dark.  I am actually training the goats.  

Actually, they are already learning that when they hear the feed container cover clang on the other containers.  They know already the goat feed is coming.  They get excited and restless, and start rubbing or climbing onto the sides of their pens.  In another month or two, it'll just be grain like hen scratch or Caliente used for the fighting roosters.  No, I don't have fighting roosters anymore.  

I'm excited.  I should have them here by this weekend.  Gotta get my fence line up and the new goat pen this week.  The lambs will stay in the current pen during quarantine.  

I can already imagine the taste of roasted lamb in a couple of months.   

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Update: Set back on my hand's healing process.

It was healing fine until the infection.  Taking meds to fight it. 

It's going to be awhile before I do any ranch projects.  My right hand is still sore from the carpal tunnel surgery two weeks agoI'm currently doing deep tissue massage around the scars to speed up the healing process.  The wounds did volcano up like it's supposed toHowever, I think it got infected.  There was fluid underneath the scar tissues and the pressure from the fluid build up swelled up my palm.  When the volcano on my palm ruptured, the volcano on my wrist went down. 

It's been a couple of days since the rupture, and parts of the wound is drying out.  My wrist has a slight fever.  Taking meds to alleviate the pain and the fever.