Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ranch Update: Tropical Storm Halong

2014.07.30  Tropical Storm Halong

Went outside to check on the animals in the midst of this tropical storm.  Tropical Storm Halong is making it's closest approach to Guahan right about now (1217 hours ChSt).  It's passing 30 miles to the North of the island.  Lots of wind and rain, flooding in various parts of the ranch, but nothing that won't go away after this storm moves further north of the island and slams into Luta.  

Karabao herd is okay.  Had to untangle both of them and move them to more grass.  My son, Frenfren, would be upset knowing they're both in the rain and not dry in a pen.  Have to teach him that karabao's like the rain and water.  It's hard getting Gera, my toro (bull), out of his mud bath.  When I need to move him to greener grassier areas on the ranch.  He will stay in there until he is ready to get out.  Today, Gera and Lala are loving this weather.  They're out there in the storm eating greens. 

Goat herd and Sheep Flock are okay.  Both underneath the back porch staying dry.  My Goat herd don't like the rain, but the sheep don't mind it.  Since the sheep follow the goats, they're in their shelter.  I'll let them all out when the wind and rains dies down later.  

Poultry flocks are doing okay.  Birds were out earlier during a break in the rain, scrounging for bugs.  My free range chickens were seeking shelter at the leeward side of the base of the big trees.  Ducks were out facing the wind and rain, if they were not scrounging.  

Our wild pig, Bacon, is wallowing in his mud bath.  I'll have to move him and his pen tomorrow.  He's in a tractor pen that I move every month.  I'll have to get him a bigger tractor pen soon.  The one he's in since he was a piglet.  He's slowly outgrowing. 

My banana trees didn't fair well.  Almost all are down.  No fruit trees fell that I know of.  I'll know more tomorrow.  After I do a thorough check of the ranch.  There was one small brush along the driveway that fell over.  I'll cut that tomorrow and plant a Sineguellas tree there. 

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Trying to save downed kid

One of my doelings a 3 month old kid named Kasi, went down a couple of days ago.  She was fine one day, then I noticed that she was walking slowly, not keeping up with the herd.  At first I thought she may have a heavy worm load.  But when I checked her eyes, and her droppings, she was fine.    I figured back then she maybe a bit under the weather.  But will bounce back as she usually does.  Next day, I noticed that she wasn't really browsing as she normally does but is only nibbling at the leaves.  However, when I put out the goat feed...she's chowing down on it.  Again, I was thrown off.  
Last Sunday, I found her laying in the shade next to the road in front of the house.  I carried her back to the house, and placed her on the back porch.  Thinking she may have a heavy worm load.  I have her a good dose of dewormer to help her out.  Next day, she was still down.  She was back to eating good, finishing off her feed ration and drinking water.  Again, I figured it may have been a heavy worm load.  Today, she was laid out.  Can't lift her head, moaning, and dehydrated.  I gave her another dose of dewormer on the opposite side of the first shot.  

This afternoon as I was tending to her.  She showed the exact signs of Jerry, our capone ram; my first herdsire, Gadao,  A big white Boer crossed buck; Pepsi, my ranch pitbull; She was not downed by a heavy worm load, but by a Cane Toad.  I suspected but was not sure until this afternoon.  The signs were all there:

  • slowness or weakness
  • whites of their eyes were still red
  • paralyzed from neck down
  • Able to still eat and drink at the beginning but unable to later on
  • major weight loss, onset of dehydration
  • labored breathing

There is no recovery from a Cane Toad poisoning.  It's a slow death for any animal.  If she survives the night, I'll have to put her down in the morning.  

The only animal I know that survived a Cane Toad poisoning is my ranch dog, Shortie.  He showed all the signs.  I was surprised when I saw him fighting back against the poison.  He did really good.  

I guess I was hoping that the doeling, Kasi, would fight back.  


Friday, July 4, 2014

Ranch Update: Tropical Storm Neoguri (08) Wind Damage...not much more.

This morning at 0700 hours Tropical Storm Neoguri (08) passed the island of Guam at it's closest approach.  There was a lot of rain and wind that kept me from going outside to check on the ranch conditions.  When the wind did subside a couple of hours later.  Duchess, my ranch dog, and I ventured outside to get a look around.  

All the animals are fine.  They were just happy to see me with extra rations of their feed.  Not one of the pens lost their roof.  I'm surprised at that.  We have a lot of wind damage, lost some banana and papaya trees.  Other than that, All seems well.  I will not know for sure until I start the cleanup.  I'll do that tomorrow. 

Today is the 4th of July, Independence Day, for the USA.  Going to celebrate our 238th Birthday on a movie marathon.  All the animals are fine, sheltered, fed & watered, and the storm is moving away.  I'm heading out.  

Duchess has the Watch!