2014.07.30 Tropical Storm Halong |
Went outside to check on the animals in the midst of this tropical storm. Tropical Storm Halong is making it's closest approach to Guahan right about now (1217 hours ChSt). It's passing 30 miles to the North of the island. Lots of wind and rain, flooding in various parts of the ranch, but nothing that won't go away after this storm moves further north of the island and slams into Luta.
Karabao herd is okay. Had to untangle both of them and move them to more grass. My son, Frenfren, would be upset knowing they're both in the rain and not dry in a pen. Have to teach him that karabao's like the rain and water. It's hard getting Gera, my toro (bull), out of his mud bath. When I need to move him to greener grassier areas on the ranch. He will stay in there until he is ready to get out. Today, Gera and Lala are loving this weather. They're out there in the storm eating greens.
Goat herd and Sheep Flock are okay. Both underneath the back porch staying dry. My Goat herd don't like the rain, but the sheep don't mind it. Since the sheep follow the goats, they're in their shelter. I'll let them all out when the wind and rains dies down later.
Poultry flocks are doing okay. Birds were out earlier during a break in the rain, scrounging for bugs. My free range chickens were seeking shelter at the leeward side of the base of the big trees. Ducks were out facing the wind and rain, if they were not scrounging.
Our wild pig, Bacon, is wallowing in his mud bath. I'll have to move him and his pen tomorrow. He's in a tractor pen that I move every month. I'll have to get him a bigger tractor pen soon. The one he's in since he was a piglet. He's slowly outgrowing.
My banana trees didn't fair well. Almost all are down. No fruit trees fell that I know of. I'll know more tomorrow. After I do a thorough check of the ranch. There was one small brush along the driveway that fell over. I'll cut that tomorrow and plant a Sineguellas tree there.
Keep Smiling