This afternoon, just after lunch at around 1300 hours, I smelled smoke coming from the ranch. As I laid in bed, I thought to myself. Either neighbor's burning yard debris or someone else is.
The smoke started getting heavy as I looked out the window from my bed. Then I heard the telltale sign of crackling. That sounds like a big fire. I jumped out of bed, looked out the window and saw large orange flames from behind one of my perimeter dog's house. Grabbing my cellphone, I called 911 and relayed to them the situation and address. As I made my way to the back porch. Just as I got to the door, I heard a muffled explosion coming from the direction of the fire. Looking out past the corner of the porch, I could clearly see that the flames were huge.
I relayed all that is happening to the 911 dispatcher, just before hanging up. Finally after some struggle, I put on my ranch boots. But before I could even leave the back porch to grab the hose to help keep the fire from spreading. It started raining hard and long enough just to put the fire out.
As I looked up into the sky, there wasn't a single rain cloud in sight. Some white clouds, but not one dark rain cloud.
God is Good!
Keep Smiling :)