Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Adding to the Herd.

Picking up doe and buck tomorrow in the village of Santa Rita, along Cross Island Road.  Current rancher is selling his property, so he's getting rid of his goats.  I picked up one this past Sunday, an 8 month old doeling.  She's a Boer Cross.  I know the markings on her as soon as I saw the herd.  Current rancher didn't know what breed he has.  

He wanted me to take all three but I was not sure if I had the room.  I only wanted one.  But after I returned with the new doeling to my ranch.  I looked around and reconsidered.  I do have the room for not only two more, but another half dozen more animals for my ranch size.  

So I'll be picking up two more goats tomorrow afternoon.  The doe is pregnant.  I'll have to see the kid(s), when they drop, if it or they are worth keeping.  I'm not to fond of the buck but I was going to do the guy a favor and just take it off his hands.  My plan was to bbq the buck later.  BUT, my daughter talked me out of it.  She believes we should multiply our herd first before we start selling or slaughtering our animals.  Which is true.  

But I know this buck's history.  As a breeder, I won't use him.  I'll get him caponed and make him a mower for life.  I already have a breeding plan with the two bucks that I've chosen as my herd sires. 

Keep Smiling

Good Intentions are not good intentions.

I've never liked good intentions.  For the most part good intentions are meant for the person giving it to get a feel good, pat in the back, emotional high.  Being on the receiving end of so many good intentions.  Most of them sucked.  Majority have not helped me one bit.  More often than not, it set me back on what I wanted to do or how I liked things done.  

Here's an example, On "MY" ranch, and I say, it's my ranch because not many people either family or friends, help out with MY ranch.  ALL of them like to enjoy the harvest of my fruits and labor.  But when it comes time to help, they run away...too busy with other things.  

So please, keep your good intentions to yourself.  I'd rather that you pray for me and the success and sustainability of my ranch, than for you to "help" with good intentions. 

Also, I am not seeking unsolicited advice.  I've been to too many agriculture seminars that if the College of Agriculture wanted me to teach.  I probably will be able to teach a really good seminar.  I've learned up-to-date techniques based on science and experiences from other successful ranchers on Guahan to know what I'm doing is correct.  

Where are your mangoes, bananas, pineapples, goat production?  MY ranch may not look like much now.  But it's getting there.  There was a reason why I let it go fallow for 3 years.  My clients can attest to my past production, as will my future clients.  

So until I see you sweating next to me, with a fusinius in your hands.  Keep your good intentions and comments to yourself.